The Qur’an is the Word of Allah, the Lord of the Worlds

Mirza Ayhan İNAK | Muhlis KÖRPE | Mustafa TOPÖZ

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّح۪يمِ

وَ بِه۪ نَسْتَع۪ينُ

The brilliant person honoured with the Quran which is the Eternal Word, the head of the prophets, the master of saints, the pride of the world and the best of the creatures; apparently in Rawza Mutahhara, spiritually in al-Mala al-A‘laa, endless, countless, limitless greetings, blessings, reverence, respect and love from us be upon our master – the Messenger of Allah. O Allah, accept this from us. Amin!

We present our endless greetings, love and respect to his family and companions who are the first addressees, hero guards and loyal hamals of the Quran.

What is the Quran? How is it defined?

In order to make a correct judgment about the Quran, first of all, the description of the Quran must be made correctly. A correct and sound description gives us a correct and sound understanding of the Quran. A false, wrong or incomplete description leads to many false judgements and results. Therefore, first, it would be appropriate to start with the title “What is the Quran? How is it defined?

The Quran is generally described by Islamic scholars as follows:

It is the last Divine speech that was sent down to Muhammad (pbuh) through revelation, written in mushafs, transmitted by means of tawatur,1 recited in worship, and people were incapable of bringing a similar one.2

Imam Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (ra) made a very extensive and multifaceted description showing the value and nature of the Quran.

“The Qur’an is the pre-eternal translator of the mighty book of the universe; the post-eternal interpreter of the various tongues reciting the verses of creation; the commentator of the book of the Worlds of the Seen and the Unseen; the revealer of the treasuries of the Divine names hidden in the heavens and on the earth; the key to the truths concealed beneath the lines of events; the tongue of the Unseen World in the Manifest World; the treasury of the post-eternal favours of the Most Merciful and of the pre-eternal addresses of the Most Holy, which come from the World of the Unseen beyond the veil of this Manifest World; it is the sun, foundation, and plan of the spiritual world of Islam; the sacred map of the worlds of the hereafter; the expounding word, lucid exposition, decisive proof, and clear interpreter of the Divine essence, attributes, names, and functions; it is the instructor of the world of humanity; the light and water of Islam, the macroanthropos; the true wisdom of humankind; and the true guide and leader urging humanity to prosperity and happiness; it is a both a book of law, and a book of prayer, and a book of wisdom, and a book of worship, and a book of command and summons, and a book of invocation, and a book of thought, and a unique, comprehensive Sacred Book comprising many books to which recourse may be had for all the needs of all humankind; it is a revealed scripture resembling a sacred library which offers treatises suitable for all the various ways and different paths of the all the saints and the veracious ones and the wise and the learned, which is appropriate for the illuminations of each way and enlightens it, and is suitable for the course of each path and depicts it.

(…) As is explained and proved in the Twelfth Word, since the Qur’an has come from the sublime throne and the greatest name, and from the highest degree of each name, it is Allah’s word in regard to His being Sustainer of All The Worlds; it is a divine decree through His title of God of All Beings; it is an address in the name of the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth; it is a conversation in respect of absolute dominicality; it is a pre-eternal discourse on account of universal divine sovereignty; it is a notebook of the favours of the Most Merciful from the point of view of all-embracing, all-encompassing divine mercy; it is a collection of addresses at the start of which are certain ciphers in respect of the tremendousness of divine majesty; and through its descent from the comprehensiveness of the greatest name, it is a holy scripture full of wisdom which looks to and inspects all sides of the sublime throne.”3

When the Quran is viewed with a Muslim perspective, with the measures of the Quran and the Sunnah, with a careful, decent and respectful point of view, a description that is worthy of its glory, in line with its sublimity and dignity will be made. It will seen to be the source of truth and wisdom. As in the Quran’s descriptions above by the scholars and Imam Bediuzzaman.

However, when viewed with an orientalist view, a material, superficial and worldly eye, and a historicist approach, no description can be made that is worthy of the Quran, and the true wisdom in it cannot be seen. This kind of view is peculiar to non-Muslims and orientalists. It is not a Muslim view.

View and intention change the nature of what we evaluate. When a person examines the Quran with a corrupt view and a bad intention, he cannot and will not see the beauties and wisdom of the Quran. To express this situation in a famous phrase: “Bee drinks water and pours honey; the snake drinks water and pours poison!” The water is the same, but the conclusions drawn are completely different from each other.

The Great Trap: Looking at the Quran with an Impartial Eye Means Confirming the Falsehood

At this time, under the veil of “being impartial” and “being objective“, some people unfortunately fall into the trap of Satan and accept false ideas that are contrary to faith and Islam. However, to evaluate the issue that the Quran is the word of Allah under the pretext of “looking impartially” is to unknowingly accept the slander that “the Quran is the word of man“. Because the Quran is either the word of Allah or not. There is no middle ground. So, looking at the meanings or the words of the Quran as “a human word” or as “neither the word of Allah nor the word of human” is not neutrality, but rather confirmation of falsehood. The explanation of this issue will be explained in detail below. In a time when hesitation and suspicion are widespread and submission is shaken, the thing called “being neutral” in matters of faith is a temporary irreligion.

Prophet Muhammad (asw) is the Custodian of Divine Revelation

Recognizing the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) correctly, knowing his holy rank in the sight of Allah Almighty, understanding his prophetic attributes will give us accurate information about how our Prophet (asw) conveyed the Quran.

Yes, the Noble Messenger (asw) is the brightest sun of the two worlds, the most honorable of all beings and the greatest truth of the universe. From the Supreme Throne, from the Supreme Name, from the supreme rank of each Name of our Creator and Lord, the Holy Quran, which includes the heavenly books – the Torah, the Psalms and the Bible being in the first place – of all of the messengers and which is the greatest miracle that is enduring till the Doomsday, has been sent down to his Noble Personage (asw).

In the meantime, the greatest miracle of the Noble Messenger after the Quran is his personage. In other words, it is his high character (akhlaq).4 Yes, everyone, friend and foe, has confirmed that he has all the good character traits.5 Nobody denied the lofty character of the Prophet (asw).6 Even in his youth, from his childhood to the age of forty, there was not the slightest betrayal and cheating from him. He was never heard lying. Even his enemies did not see a small behaviour of him that resembles trickery. He spent his whole life with right direction and chastity. He was the most reliable and correct person in everyone’s eyes. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) possessed all of the beautiful and high morals that no one could or will reach.

All the people of Mecca, friends and enemies, used to call him “al-amin” (the trustworthy) due to the accuracy and reliability of the Messenger (pbuh) throughout his life. Yes, even his enemies’ calling the Noble Messenger (pbuh) with this title is a witness that he is in the highest rank in good morals.

The Messenger (asw) possessed the whole of the good character that Allah Almighty explained in the Quran. Allah Almighty revealed this character in the verse عَظيمٍ لَعَلٰي خُلُقٍ وَاِنَّكَ  (And indeed, you are of a great moral character.) 7 The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) would say: “I was sent by Allah to complete good character.” 8 When the Companions of the Messenger (pbuh) asked Aisha (ra) about the high character of the Noble Messenger (asw), she answered “Don’t you read the Quran? His character was the Quran” 9 thus pointing that he is the greatest example of the lofty character praised by our Lord.

The essence of the word; the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was the most pious of people, the most observant of worship, the most meticulous in obeying Divine orders, the most grateful, the gentlest, the most patient, the most modest, the most bashful, the most generous, the most honorable, the most compassionate, the most just, the most beautiful. He had all the commendable traits like these. 10

The Messenger of Allah (asw) raised ‘Ashara al-Mubashshara and one hundred and twenty thousand companions – Abu Bakr (ra), Umar (ra), Uthman (ra), Ali (ra) being in the first place – as guides of guidance for the ummah until the Day of Judgment.

He (asw) gave countless luminous fruits like Imam A’zam, Imam Shafii, Imam Gazzâlî, Imam Rabbani, Sheikh Abdulkadir Geylani, Shah Nakshiband, Imam Said Nursi and Imam Ahmed Husrev who always benefited from the spiritual personality and lofty position of the Noble Messenger (asw) after his passing away, and guided hundreds of thousands of people to the path of guidance.

Is it at all possible that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) whom Allah Almighty bestowed the most lofty and highest character, whose friends and enemies called him “al-amin” (trusthworthy), who raised a hundred thousand companions – each of whom is a star of guidance – and who produced the result of numerous scholars, saints, and trustworthy who are luminous fruits, (is it at all possible that he) betray the Quran, which is the decree of the Lord of the Worlds, thus committing such a crime against the Owner of that decree? Allah forbid! Be it a hundred thousand times away from him!

To claim the opposite, that is, to say that “The words of the Divine revelation are his own words” is the biggest slander against the Messenger of Allah (asw), who is the custodian of the revelation. Because such news from the Prophet (asw) did not reach us. The Companions, who witnessed and recorded every aspect of him, did not report such news. Such slander is at best a turning a blind eye to the truth like the sun. It is to become an instrument to enmity and grudge. It is a delusion that is far from thought, reflection and reasoning. It is a nonsense devoid of any transmitted and rational evidence. It is a superstitious statement that no Muslim has ever said throughout history and will never say.

The Messenger of Allah does not deceive

A devout person may say, “This is the truth, this is the reality, this is the order of Allah” as a requirement of his faith, because of his religious affection, fearing Allah. This situation is to convey the religion (dawah). However, he will not go beyond his limits by showing his own words as revelation and speaking for Allah; he can’t do such a thing. He shudders from the threat of فَمَنْ اَظْلَمُ مِمَّنْ كَذَبَ عَلَي اللّٰهِ (Who could be crueler than who lies about Allah?) 11 Because this situation would be a complete fraud, a deception. It would be to destroy religion in the guise of religion.

Yes, it is indeed impossible for a person who has a powerless, weak, incomplete and deficient nature to call – God forbid – his own words revelation and to speak in the name of Allah and to imitate Him. Those of the same kind can take the form of each other. Those who are close in rank can imitate each other’s rank and temporarily deceive people.

For example, a lightning bug cannot show itself to sky observers as a star, let alone making itself accepted as a star for many years. If a dishonest person is far below the level of the person he is imitating, then he cannot deceive anyone. For example, an ignorant person cannot make himself accepted among the scientific world for many years by imitating Ibn Sina; he cannot deceive anyone. A simple shepherd cannot impersonate Fatih Sultan Mehmed and make himself accepted as a world sultan. At best, they make an exhibition of themselves. Because the inauthenticity, inadequacy, pretentiousness and incompetence of the states and behaviours of an ignorant person and a simple shepherd will reveal their dishonesty. They will not be able to continue their tricks. They will not be able to hide and escape from careful eyes. Every manner of these imitators will almost shout, “I am a fraud!”

To assume that the Quran is a human word would mean the ligthning bug could actually make itself accepted as a star for years, a fly as a peacock for a long time, an ignorant person as Ibn Sina, a simple shepherd as a world sultan like Fatih Sultan Mehmed, and a person who is a fraud, lier, slanderer as a most truthful, loyal, trusted person throughout his life. And this would be nothing but a delusion like accepting an obvious impossibility as an actual thing.

Saying that the Quran is the word of man or claiming that the words of the Quran belong to human has such dreadful, creepy and false consequences that even the devil cannot claim this. Because this issue has no mid-point. The Quran is either Allah’s word or not. For, if it is assumed that the Quran is not the word of Allah for a moment, it will fall to the ground from the Supreme Throne (‘Arsh). In other words, the miraculous inimitability, position, value, all the virtues and qualities of the Quran due to its being the word of Allah disappear. While it is the source of the truth, it turns into – God forbid – a book that is a source of superstitions. And the Noble Messenger (asw) – God forbid, thousands of times be it away from him – falls to the level of a person who is not afraid of the threat of the verse “And who is more unjust than one who invents about Allah a lie or denies His verses? Indeed, the wrongdoers will not succeed,” 12who tries to deceive all people and the world by showing his own words as revelation – a hundred thousand times be it away from him. Even the devil cannot claim such a thing.

While the truth is this, claiming that the words of the Quran are human words is nothing but the delusion of a broken mind and a rotten heart.

Divine Descent: The Necessity of Guidance According to the Level of Capability and Understanding

The addressee of the Quran are all people. It is an excellent teacher and guide to all centuries and people. It is an imam for mindful people. It is a guide to the virtuous people. The circle of lessons is very wide. In that circle, everybody, young and old, scholar and ignorant, rich and poor, man and woman, old and young, officer and manager, sit together, listen and learn their lesson. Therefore, it is essential that the address of the Quran be in the way and style of human speech. Because everybody gets their supplication from it. They learn their prayers from it. They express their issues in the language of the Quran. They take their measurements from it. They learn the principles of manners from the Quran. In short, it is everyone’s reference guide.

One of the wisdom of the fact that Quran’s address is in the way and style of human speech is that most of its addressees are common people and few of them are people with knowledge. In the eyes of the teacher and the guide, the minority subject to the majority. In other words, for the sake of the guidance peculiar to the minority, the mode of guidance required by the majority is not abandoned. 

However, from the lectures and speeches made to the common people, the people of science and knowledge also get their shares. They do not go without shares. Otherwise, if the lessons are given by considering the scholars, the common people will not understand those high level speeches. They will be deprived of them. This situation is not suitable for the spirit of guidance, education and teaching.

It is a requirement of education and guidance for a person speaking to a child to use a childish style and to descend to his level. Because it is possible in this way for the child to understand, grow up and develop. Just like this, the Quran addresses the common people according to their level of understanding. It speaks according to their level of comprehension.

Allah Almighty, Who makes people speak and knows what they speak, will of course speak to them according to their level of comprehension in accordance with His wisdom. This is called Divine descent (tanazzul). This situation, as a requirement of our Lord’s wisdom, compassion and nurturing, is to make people’s minds accustomed to the truths and to enable them to learn easily.

To use the way of Qur’an’s addressing that is appropriate to the level of capability and understanding of people – which is accepted as a great virtue and merit – against the Qur’an, that is to claim that the words of the Qur’an are human words, is a thing of complete ignorance. Because such a claim stems from not knowing the necessity, nature and method of guidance and education. Besides, in this suspicion there is a false judgement which means claiming that Allah Almighty, Who creates people, makes people speak and knows what they speak, cannot address people’s level of understanding.

The Quran is based on Revelation and indeed it is Revelation

The Quran is the word of Allah. It is the address sent down to the Prophet (asw) from the Divine. This address is sometimes brought directly by hearing from Allah Almighty, sometimes by Jibril (asm), who is a means of communicating. The Quran was sent down mostly through the angel. It has not been destroyed or changed in any way. “Surely We have sent down that Dhikr (the Quran) and surely We are the ones who protect it!” 13 With the expression of the verse, the Divine revelation will be preserved as it was sent down and will be preserved until the Day of Judgment.

Neither the angel of revelation nor the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) had any authority of disposal in the word and meaning of the Quran. “If (that prophet) made up some words by attributing to Us, (we) would have seized him with a mighty punishment! Then of course We would cut off his aorta! In that case, none of you are those who prevent (this) from him.” 14

Another evidence showing that the Quran is the word of Allah is the miracles that He gave to the Prophet (pbuh). The miracles performed by the Messenger of Allah (asw) are the greatest proofs of his prophethood. Thus, his word that “The Quran is the revelation of Allah to me” 15 is confirmed by Allah with miracles.

Even the sent down Quran shows, through its inimitability, that it comes from the Throne, it cannot be the word of a human. The dirty hand of human cannot interfere. The rush of the Messenger of Allah, who was the person to whom the Quran was sent down, during the first revelation and his state at the time of the revelation show his sincerity and respect towards the Quran and that the Quran is the word of Allah, it is based on revelation and is indeed revelation.

However, the Meccan polytheists, who were rhetoric geniuses and great speakers, confessed their helplessness in the face of the miraculous inimitability (i‘jaz), which showed that the Quran was Divine revelation. For example, the Qur’an took away the values of the most famous poems called Mu’allaqāt written in gold letters and hanged on the wall of the Kaaba so much that the poet Labid’s daughter said “It is worth nothing against the verses” 16 thus declaring the miraculous inimitability of the rhetoric of the Quran. This incident is also an evidence that the Quran is revelation.

Allah Almighty said, “And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down to our servant, then bring a surah similar to it; if you are the righteous (in your claim), call your witnesses (helpers) other than Allah!” 17 With this verse, He challenged the Meccan polytheists, who were word masters, and all the people who will come into world until the Day of Judgment. He invited them to bring a similar word of His own. While it was possible to respond to this Divine challenge with a few lines and overcome the cause of the Quran – which could be the easiest way for them, instead those word masters were obliged to choose the most dangerous and difficult way of war. Because the Quran is not a human word so that a similar one can be brought. As al-Jahiz, one of the famous imams of rhetoric, said, “since it was impossible to deal with the Quran with letters, they had to fight against it with swords.” 18

The Companions are Truthful Witnesses that the Quran is Revelation

Another true witness that the Quran is revelation is all of the Companions (ra). Companions are distinguished people whom Allah Almighty has praised, extolled in heavenly books, and whom the ummah are unanimously agree on their justice, virtue and righteousness. Companions, who witnessed the revelation of the Quran in person, confirmed that it was revelation in every aspect, preserved it through writing and memorization, lived the Quran in every aspect, sacrificed their lives and properties for this cause; all of this is one of the greatest proofs that it is revelation and is not human word.

Although there are testimonies and approvals of the Companions that the Quran is revelation in all aspects, they do not have the slightest expression on the contrary. Therefore, they showed respect, love and reverence to the Qur’an with utmost and great sensitivity.

While this is the fact that is established by the history, if someone claims that the Quran is the word of human or its words are human words, his claim means to refute and deny all the Companions who confirmed that the Quran is the word of Allah in terms of meaning and word. And to refute the Companions means to leave that luminous caravan and to be deprived of their enlightenment.

All Scholars, Saints, and Sagacious Agree that the Quran is Revelation

When all the scholars, saints and sagacious, each of which are the bright fruits of the Quran, agree that the Quran is the revelation of the Divine, which is like a sacred library on which they based their cause and method. None of this luminous congregation claimed that the word of the Quran is human word.

Baqillani, Qadi Abdaljabbar and Abdulqahir al-Jurjani and many other distinguished personalities, each of whom were experts in their own fields and people of proof, wrote countless works about the Qur’an being revelation. The source of all their knowledge, perfection and wisdom is the Quran. They have attained these high virtues by being a student of the Quran.

What has been written so far is a drop from the sea showing that the Quran is revelation. Since it is not possible to mention all the evidence here, we considered it appropriate to be content with this amount. In this regard, those who look for detailed, unshakable, broad, and convincing texts leaving no room for doubt, may refer to Imam Bediuzzaman’s Isharatu’l-I‘jaz, Mu‘jizat Qur’an (the 25th Word), the Debate with Satan (the Appendix of the 15th Word), the 10th Issue of the Fruit Epistle and the 12th Word.

Now, we will briefly explain a few issues that are criticized under the assumption of deficiency and flaw, which are in fact evidence for the miraculous inimitability (i‘jaz) of the Quran.

The Quran Sometimes Shows a Sea in a Jug: The Wisdom of Particular Events in the Quran

The Quran mentions some minor incidents. Because, in each of these events, an overall principle is hidden and the end of a general law is shown. The Quran, out of compassion, sometimes mentions very wide, very long, universal principles and general laws, as if showing a sea in a jug, with a particular incident that is appropriate to the level of understanding of people and they are accustomed to. Of the many examples of this truth, we point to only three.

For example, the following verse in Surah Mujadila: “Certainly has Allah heard the speech of the one who argues [i.e., pleads] with you, [O Muḥammad], concerning her husband and directs her complaint to Allah. And Allah hears your dialogue; indeed, Allah is Hearing and Seeing.”19With the minor and particular incident mentioned in this verse, the Qur’an teaches that Allah is Hearing and SeeingWho hears and listens to secret-explicit, small-big, particular-universal, everything, every incident, the sigh of every sufferer, and the prayer of every needy, and Who meets the smallest need of the smallest being and hears its most secret sigh, has mercy to it and answers it actually, and pleases it. Here, people who cannot fit this universal lesson given in the sublime style of the Quran into their minds have a suspicion and say, “Why does the Quran talk about minor incidents?” – this is a delusion of Satan.

Yes, He hears the struggle of a wife who complains about her husband, which is the smallest and most hidden incident among the spouses. He sees the rightly matter of a woman about her husband and her complaint to Allah as a great event – a woman who has reached the most graceful manifestation of mercy and who has become the most sacrificing source of compassion – and treats her with mercy and removes the woman’s distress.

Again, for example, the following verse, which is mentioned in the Surah Baqara, says: “And [recall] when Moses said to his people, “Indeed, Allah commands you to slaughter a cow.” They said, “Do you take us in ridicule?” He said, “I seek refuge in Allah from being among the ignorant.”” 20 With the particular and specific incident mentioned in this verse,

The Qur’an tells that, through the prophethood of the Prophet Musa (asm), Allah cut off and exterminated, by slaughtering a cattle, the concept of worshipping of cattle, which penetrated the nature and characters of Banī Isrā’īl (children of Israel) and became their customs and habits, that is, the false custom of making an idol of cattle and revering it. Here, the Quran expresses very concisely that a universal principle is concealed within this minor incident and that there is always a very necessary lesson of wisdom for everyone.

Yes, the lands of Egypt where this incident took place are part of the Sahara desert. Thanks to the fertile Nile River, these lands have become a very fertile land. The fact that there is a blessed place like paradise next to this Sahara, which is an example from Hell, has made agriculture and farming very popular among the Egyptian people. In fact, this agriculture and farming penetrated the nature and character of the inhabitants in such a way that they knew agriculture as sacred and gave a sacredness to the degree of worshiping the cattle, which is the means of agriculture. This verse shows that since Banī Isrā’īl (children of Israel) lived in that region at that time, they were affected by this state of the Egyptian people.

The Quran cuts off the false ideas and beliefs of people who accept false, mortal, helpless, worldly, mortal gods, idols with this small and particular incident, with the incident of slaughtering a cattle. It gives a lesson.

Another example is that in some parts of the Quran humans are introduced as rebellious and they are cursed with lots complaints and there are severe threats against them. There are many wisdoms for this. Some of those wisdoms are as follows:

First of all, it is necessary to understand why such expressions in the Quran are used for Satan and the deniers who obey Satan. The inner side of them and the path they have taken must be known, the results of their deeds must be weighed on the scale of truth and justice, so that who they are and what we work for should be known.

Now, they do a great deal of damage with a little movement. With a little movement, they violate the rights of many beings, negate their efforts and leave them without any results. For example, they hide the verses of Allah, deny Allah and the religion He sent down, distort the verses, betray Allah and His Messenger, go astray, seek discord, invent lies in the name of Allah, and do wrongs.

The cursing of them because of their state, which is on behalf of destruction and corruption, is similar to the example of a just and merciful sultan’s helmsman working on a great merchant ship. If the ship sank because that person neglected his duty or abandoned his duty, it would have wasted the labor of all duty officers and caused great damages such as loss of life and property. Of course, the sultan would severely threaten and punish such a person. He does not neglect and does not remain indifferent. The great complaint, threat and punishment of the sultan is for the big bad consequences of that act, not for the small action of that rebellious man. In other words, the sultan threatens and punishes by taking into account the rights of everyone working on the ship and related to the ship. That rebellious man cannot say “What am I that the sultan is busy with me? Is he threatening and punishing me for a little neglect and abandonment?” Just because that helmsman’s deliberate abandonment and negligence are small and simple does not mean that the consequences are small and simple.

Just like in this example, Allah Almighty, Who is the Sultan of beginningless eternity and endless eternity, complains from and terribly threats those who are with the believers in the ship of the earth but have gone astray by deviating from the truth. Their denial and rebellion, which are thought to be small, are indeed great. Because denial is an endless crime. It is an infringement of the rights of all creatures. It means denying and refuting the testimony of all beings to the existence, unity, names and attributes of Allah Almighty. It is to reject the Divine names and attributes that appear in the mirrors of all creatures. Therefore, it is a necessity of wisdom, mercy and justice to make great threats and impose great penalties about denial, rebellion and those who commit them.


– The Quran is the word of Allah as the Lord of all the worlds. It is the decree of Allah with the title of the Deity of all creatures. It is an address on behalf of the Creator of all heavens and earth. This word, this decree and this address is itself the greatest proof that it is the word of Allah in the first place with its miraculous inimitability.

– The Messenger of Allah (asw), the best of all creatures, the last and greatest prophet, proves that the Quran is the word of Allah with his miracles as the custodian of the revelation.

– Companions who are the first addressees of the Quran and the witnesses of its revelation, who are the symbols of honesty, justice and reliability, unanimously prove that the Quran is the word of Allah in all aspects.

– All the scholars, saints and sagacious, each of which are the bright fruits of the Quran, prove that the Quran is the revelation of the Divine, which is like a sacred library on which they based their cause and method.

– The helplessness and inability of the enemies of the Quran against the challenge of bringing a similar of the Quran since the day it was sent down is clear evidence that it is Divine revelation.

– To claim that human words are involved in the Qur’an means accepting that the Noble Messenger (asw) committed – be it away from him thousands of times – a crime against the Qur’an and betrayed the Owner of that Divine decree – the Noble Messenger whom Allah Almighty created with the most lofty good character, whose friends and enemies unanimously called “al-amin” (trustworthy), and who raised countless stars of guidance and gave millions of intellectual fruits.

– Saying that “The words of the Quran are human words” is the biggest slander against Allah and His Messenger, who is the custodian of the revelation (alayhissalatu wassalam). Such slander is at best a turning a blind eye to the truth like the sun. It is to become a tool of grudge and hatred. It is a delusion that is far from thought, reflection and reasoning. It is a nonsense devoid of any transmitted and rational evidence. This claim is not a Muslim view. At the most, it can be an orientalist idea.

– The person or the Satan who voices the delusion of “human words are involved in the Quran” is such a ‘clever’ enemy that he (actually) wants to oppose the Quran, which is the source of Islamic principles and truths of faith.


1. Tawatur: It is the narrating of a group that cannot be considered as possible to agree on a lie, from another community that has the same qualifications. The Qur’an has been transmitted from generation to generation in this way without interruption. See Yunus Apaydin, İslâm Hukuk Usûlü, p.43.

2. Subhi es-Sâlih, Kur’ân İlimleri, p.16; İsmail Cerrahoğlu, Tefsîr Usûlü, p.34; Zürkânî, Menâhil, p.20.

3. Said Nursi, Zülfikar, Altınbaşak Neşriyat, İstanbul, 2014, p.80.

4. Nûreddin es-Sâbûnî, Mâtürîdiyye Akaidi, p.105.

5. 19. Mektup 17. İşaret.

6. 19. Mektup 3. Esas

7. Qalam, 4.

8. Kenzü’l-Ummâl, v.11, p.420.

9. Müslim, Salâtü’l-Müsâfirîn, v.1, p.513.

10. Şuaât

11. Zumar, 32.

12. An‘am, 21.

13. Hijr, 9.

14. Haqqah, 45-47.

15. Sahîh-i Buhârî Muhtasarı Tercemesi ve Şerhi, Ankara, v.11,

16. Şualar 1, p. 125

17. Baqarah, 23.

18. Suyutî, Celâlûddin Abdurrahmân b. Ebi Bekr; el-İtkân Fi Ulumi’l-Kur’ân, Beyrut, 1973, II, 313-314’dan aktaran: Dicle Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, v. 15, issue 1, p. 62, 2013

19. Mujadila, 1.

20. Bakarah, 67.