July – December 2015
Islamic world in need of Risale-i Nur
Editor’s letter: He who knows his Lord saves his hereafter Y.Emre Pehlivan

The spirit, ego and nafs Ali Kurt
Allah (swt) has granted human with a domain of legal and illegal and a will and freedom to choose between them. Human is tested with this faculty called nafs which is predisposed both for good and evil.
The illness of intellectual arrogance Cemal Erşen
Intellectual arrogance disease may lead people who are more or less educated to oppose to the great scholars of Islam, and may lead them to refuse their ideas. What common believers need to do toward those great scholars is to approach them with good opinion, trust and submission.
A rewarding transaction and an honourable rank “The Sixth Word” from the Risale-i Nur Collection
The sale of one’s self to Allah is the most rewarding of transactions.
The spiritual crisis of western civilisation in the 21st century Hasan Spiker
Islamic world is in need of Risale-i Nur Interview by Rıdvan Abut
Twelve Iraqi Islamic scholars from The Union of Sunni Scholars of Iraq were welcomed in Hayrat Foundation for a Risale-i Nur study from January 26th to January 31st 2015. Participant scholars told that they got great benefit from the whole program which included an intensive Risale-i Nur group study and visiting historical places of Istanbul. After the program, we asked them about Bediuzzaman Said Nursi and Risale-i Nur. We share with you the answers we got.
The spiritual bonds among us Syafiq Shafii
It is our responsibility to know the spiritual bonds that can bind Muslims to each other for the unity of Islam.
The economic order of Islam: a theoretical account of various Islamic economic concepts Marifatul Haq Yasini
Islamic economy looks more on human behaviour in managing natural resources for the benefit of themselves and community. The ill disposition of the ownership, and the misdistribution of the wealth amongst people, therefore, must be addressed.
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi and the youth Muhlis Körpe
Youth is a great blessing which we can make eternal by spending it in the way of Allah (swt).
A world that is enduring, stable, and perpetual From the Fourth Indication of the Tenth Word
It is by no means possible that our Creator should possess this world resembling a temporary guest house, but not possess another, perpetual world that is stable, and that is the locus of the manifestation of His sublimity.
Creating one thing and everything Nader Medeiros Hasan Jaber
Whomsoever is not able to create everything cannot create anything, and whomsoever is able to create a single thing must be able to create everything.
Importance, reward and benefits of Hajj www.askaquestionto.us
Hajj is an obligatory duty for Muslims which bear numerous personal, social, educational, moral and economic benefits.
What is holy for families? Mustafa Topöz
What is spoken most in family is its most holy.