Oppressed people whose rights are violated, and those who cannot get their rights back may exactly console themselves by only believing in the hereafter providing a thought that their rights...
This world and hereafter are two separate universes but there is such a close relationship between them. The border of these two universes is like a very transparent curtain and...
“...Give glad tidings to the steadfast, (Surah Baqara; 155) Who say, when a misfortune strikes them: ‘Lo! we are Allah's and lo! unto Him we are returning.’” (Surah Baqara; 156)...
There are many people in the society who have difficulty in understanding the reality that the heaven and the hell are eternal and unfortunately many deny this truth. However, as...
Human beings love many things such as first his self and relatives in the world. The most important duty of man is to love the world and creatures in the...
So many people do not desire the hereafter life and its pleasures and delights as they reckon that they are too far away. Although same people attain the goal of...