Chosen above the women Indeed, Allah chose Adam and Noah and the family of Abraham and the family of 'Imran (his daughter Mary and Jesus (Isa) peace be upon him)...
Who is Jesus? And what is his significance in the 21st century? The original question is something that has been debated and pondered upon by historians, scholars and mystics for...
Muslim Judicial Council (S.A.) is one of the most representative and influential non-profit organizations (NPO) or faith-based organizations (FBO). MJC strives to promote and protect the value systems of Islam...
1. In order to write a good article, first choose your topic and decide its boundaries. (The topic must be narrowed as much as possible, and the scope of it...
The calendar system which is based on the Earth’s revolving around the Sun, and marks the arrival day (September 20, 622) of our Prophet (PBUH) in Quba (masjid) as the...
The emergence and running of the universe: cause and effect or a divine power? “Warm air near the Earth's surface tends to absorb moisture in the form of invisible water...
Evil means “not good, bad and harmful thing”. As understood from the verse “Allah is the Creator of all things (An’am 102),” the One who creates the evil and good...
Let me begin by stating that although Islamophobia is relatively new in our consciousness, it dates back centuries. It has ancestral and intellectual roots, an investigation of which must find...
Sultan Suleiman the Lawgiver (known as the Magnificent in the West) of Ottomans asks Yahya Efendi, his milk sibling who was also a scholar at the same time, what causes...
Imam Ghazali, who has been a prominent and legendary scholar champion of Islam, was born in Ghazal town of Tus city of Iran in 1058 (H. 450). His name is...