The Qur’an, the Divine word of Allah, The Lord of the Worlds…
A sea of miracles with each fact, chapter and verse…
The Qur’an, the eternal interpretation of the great book of the Universe …
The interpreter of the visible and the unseen worlds …
The miraculous herald giving the exact answers to the questions; ‘where am I coming from? What am I doing here? and where am I going to?’ …
The heavenly command saving the universe from idleness, absurdity, senselessness and nothingness…
The blessed guide for the hereafter …
The book of wisdom, book of prayer, book of worship, book of law, book of command and invitation, book of recitation and book of thought…
The Qur’an is the holy message addressing separately each class and each age of mankind; lecturing all the times and all the places extracting from the time and place. That’s why The Qur’an keeps its youth as time gets older.
It has such a nice fluency that each reader and listener supposes that this blessed book is addressed to him.
The holy letters of the Wise Qur’an are in miraculous harmony. Whenever The Qur’an is read, a divine melody reveals and awakens the sublime feelings of people.
Anyone listening to the Qur’an will understand that these words are not like those he heard before. He understands that these words are uttered by the Pre-Eternal Speaker only, The Lord of the Worlds.
Those who listen to the Qur’an say: ‘ The Qur’an that I heard does not resemble any other book. It will be either inferior of all or superior to all. It is impossible to say the Qur’an is inferior of all and no one has ever been able to claim such an idea. Therefore the Qur’an is superior to all books and it is a miracle.’