The Pen23/04/201824/05/2018 Editor’s Letter: Finding pretexts for attacking the pious predecessors Yunus Emre PEHLIVAN The philosophical core of the educational system must change Mustafa TOPOZ The illnesses that blind you and their treatment Zafer ZENGIN Knowledge and application of disciplining the lower self are totally different İdris TUZUN The real purpose of those who deny the School of Thoughts, interpreters and the Companions Ahmed Said GUNDUZ Risale-i Nur through African eyes Metin UCAR – A. Furkan YESILOVA Way to escape mischief Ali SEMERCI How to protect women’s rights Zakir CETIN Lying is not among the necessities of family life Dr. Mirza INAK Why is family important? Süreyya SALTIK The story of a traveller Haluk İsmail PUTKUL Three advisements Ahmed Said GUNDUZ Similar Needs for Different Market Perspectives Ehsan SAIRALLY Al-Quds is ours Asst. Prof. Ahmet Hüsrev CELIK After the month of Ramadan Zeynelabidin YILDIRIM The art of paper and leather cutting: Qat‛ı Mustafa YILMAZ