Allah built this palace of the universe to make Himself known. Salah (Prayer) is knowing Him. With His unique arts, Allah declares that everything is the work of His power....
Murat AĞCIL This is probably one of the most common complaints we’ve heard recently: “My son does not perform salah (prayer)”, “My daughter has started to change after turning twelve”,...
Hajj is an obligatory duty for Muslims which bear numerous personal, social, educational, moral and economic benefits. Hajj literally means “head for, visit, constantly go and visit an important...
The prayer (salah) is neglected today, although it is the most important responsibility in Islam after the faith (iman), and it has the top priority among worship. Unfortunately, we are...
Spiritual struggle against the people of misguidance, which is the most important of struggles Serving a Muslim scholar by assisting him in the spreading of the realities of Islam Serving...
Despite being undemanding to perform, the Prayer is the key to bliss in this life and in the next. “The Fourth Word” from the Risale-i Nur Corpus In the Name...
The fourth pillar of Islam is fasting in the month of Ramadan, the month in which the Qur’an was revealed, in solidarity with the poor, and as a spiritual exercise...
Man's basic duty is iman (belief) and dua’ (supplication). In this piece, we will quote the verses that show how important dua’ (supplication) is in the sight of Allah Subhanahu...
Enduring the misfortunes and illnesses, withstanding the desires of the lower self and being steadfast in worshipping are kinds of sabr (patience) that will lead us to the Paradise. Sabr...