Despite being undemanding to perform, the Prayer is the key to bliss in this life and in the next. “The Fourth Word” from the Risale-i Nur Corpus In the Name...
The happiness of this world lies in worship and in becoming a soldier of Allāh, as does the happiness of the Hereafter. “The Third Word” from the Risale-i Nur Corpus...
All existents are affectionate servants, companionable employees, and kind books from the perspective of the believer. Many more delightful, lofty, delectable and sweet truths manifest and become apparent through the faith. “The...
Disbelief makes people miserable, and it costs them their success and happiness in this life and the next. “The Eighth Word” from the Risale-i Nur Corpus بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم...