Editor’s letter: The language spoken in entire universe Yunus Emre Pehlivan
A painting cannot be without a painter Dr Ayhan Mirza İNAK
Reading the book of universe Kadir DARICIK
Benefits of belief in akhirah Hamza BERAT
Messengers necessarily required
How sincere are those saying “Qur’an is enough, no need for Sunnah”? İdris TÜZÜN
Can a Muslim be an evolutionist? Idris Tüzün
Why the people of faith defeated by the tricks of the Satan? Husrev HUNEVI
The light behind the dark Ahmed Husrev ACAR
The creation in death Muhammed Ali Uslu
Dua’s from the Prophet Muhammad (asw)
Science is a tool, not a purpose Abdurrahman ERDEM
Role model and ideal problem of young people Dr Kasım KARATAŞ
Prototype of an educator Necati İLMEN
Understanding the calamities truly Dr Muhammed BOSTAN
What He has done? What He will do? Muhammed Nuri BOZUNOĞULLARI
How to secure eternal happiness? Yunus Emre PEHLİVAN
Occupation: Mother Nurettin TAŞAN
The spiritual diamond sword Zafer ZENGİN
Bukhurdan (Censer) Mustafa YILMAZ