Editor’s letter: Key to bliss Yunus Emre Pehlivan
The fruit that sweetens as it matures: Patience Zafer ODABAŞ
An amazing art on body: Aging Dr. Abuzer ÖZKAN
Things brought by time & the Risale-i Nur Dr. Muhammed Bostan
Truths that refute evolution Assoc. Prof. Umut Muhammed Said Çavuş
Honesty and man Rıdvan GENÇ
Magician executioner Mustafa Topöz
Want to make your less more? Atty. Hakkı Aygün | Head of Hayrat Aid
Electromagnetic waves around us and their influence on health Dr Serdar ÖZDEMİR
To Be Like Him (Blessings and Peace Be Upon Him) Arif Emre GÜNDÜZ
Najran Christians Salim MERCİ
Frugality is gratitude The Pen
A Proposal of An Alternative Student Education Programme Metin Uçar
We need a guide – the most perfect guide Yunus Emre Pehlivan
The Whispers of All that is. Omer Siddique
Key to bliss in this life and in the next “The Fourth Word” from the Risale-i Nur Corpus
Imam Nursi and the issues of iman Dr Muhammed Mustafa / University of Khartoum, Sudan
Diet in the Age of Bliss Dietitian Edibe Bekin
Scribble (Karalama) in Islamic Calligraphy Mustafa YILMAZ