During a conversation in a working environment when he was with his mother, I asked a question of a young man who is a student in a prestigious university and...
This question comes to everybody. No matter who we are or how we live or in which position we act the reality of death never changes. In a certain time...
“...Give glad tidings to the steadfast, (Surah Baqara; 155) Who say, when a misfortune strikes them: ‘Lo! we are Allah's and lo! unto Him we are returning.’” (Surah Baqara; 156)...
“Frequently mention death which dispels pleasure and makes it bitter” (Tirmidhi, Zuhd 4) ~ I M A G I N E ~ Imagine yourself after you pass away Imagine your...
Let us remember the famous scholar Imam Al-Nursi’s famous quotation from Mathnawi al-Nuriya: “I have learnt only four words and four phrases in forty years of my life and thirty...