One day a teacher asked his students to write a list of the things which are worth being among the Seven Wonders of the World in their opinion.
While taking their papers the teacher realized a girl did not complete her list yet.
“Is it this difficult?” the teacher asks.
“Yes, a bit. I just cannot decide; there are so many.” the student replies.
“Tell us what you have written until now, maybe we can help you complete the list.” says the teacher.
After a moment of hesitation, she tells the following loudly:
The Seven Wonders of the World, I believe, are these:
- Seeing
- Hearing
- Touching
- Tasting
- Feeling
- Laughing
- Loving
The entire class falls into a silence for quite some time.
All the things around us, which we have got used to and fail to notice anymore, are actually extraordinary wonders of the world!