Secretary General of UNIW congratulated Egyptian People

12 February 2011

Secretary General of the Union of NGOs of the Islamic World (UNIW) Necmi Sadıkoğlu released a message where he congratulated the Egyptian people for their victory in the event which had been going on for weeks and then ended in removing Mubarak and his government from power.

Necmi Sadıkoğlu said followings:

The Egyptian people being exposed to violent oppressions, unequal treatments and pressures had been so impoverished that they couldn’t buy their daily basic needs. Therefore they rushed into the streets in a mass to say ‘stop’ for the events.

The civilization center of the Middle East was Egypt and it was also strategically important. Unfortunately, contrary to these characteristics this country has systematically been underdeveloped by the leaders getting external support not from their own peoples. However, the Egyptian people who had been intimidated for long years and become unenergetic succeeded in overturning the dictator regime responsible for this in a very humanitarian and peaceful way.

As the Union of NGOs of the Islamic World (UNIW) consisting of nearly two hundred members from fifty countries including Egypt, we would like to congratulate our fellow Egyptian people for their victory and remind that it is possible for other İslamic countries to have these things by ending the despotic treatment immediately. We hope that this good event in Egypt cause stability with a new government which will be founded immediately by just and transparent elections. By this way, we want to share our faith that Egypt will get a status again for us to deal with our own issues in the Islamic geography.

Best Regards