A child-spirited educator who penetrates into the living space of his students, who plays with them, jumps rope, plays hopscotch, makes castles made of mud, and hangs together on the wing of a kite,
An entrepreneurial educator who sees the school yard as an opportunity for sports and social activities, who can offer every unit of the school to students, from school library to laboratory, from sports hall to music and painting rooms, without expecting everything from the school administration; and who can bring himself and his students together with the public institutions and organizations, with non-governmental organizations outside the school,
An educator with sense of purpose and having a specific strategy beyond his annual and daily plans, who can tell his students what to do, and more importantly, knows what he himself should do,
A well-equipped educator who knows the curriculum so well that he knows if each course is suitable for the goals and objectives of the program,
A medical educator who takes care of the tidiness and cleanliness of his classroom, and hygiene and nourishment of his students,
A responsible educator who forms the corners of activities and interests that are necessary in his class, possesses the tools and materials appropriate to the level of his students, and knows what are the problems related to education and training,
An instructor educator who is able to focus on the behaviour of the students out of the routine work of the school, and sees extracurricular activities and social activities as an “indivisible part of education,”
A researcher educator who not only identifies the problem or failure in his school, but also examines the cause of these problems and can offer solution alternatives,
A self-sacrificing educator who knows every student very well, knows their development areas and does the necessary things for the inclusive students, and can do a duty without hesitation when it is given to him,
An expert educator who observes the principles of learning, can select the strategies, methods, techniques and tools that are appropriate for the subject and activity, and can use them effectively; who can make trips, observations, investigations, researches and experiments with his students; and who feels confident in his field,
A rightful educator who knows that he has the responsibility in the first place without passing the buck on the failure of the student,
A parent educator who is worried about the troubles of his students, who tries to take care of his problems and who helps them at any time and place,
A generous educator who is able to share the materials, syllabi, resource books, visual, audio and presentations, all his experience and all that is available with great enthusiasm and eagerness with his fellow teachers at his school,
A dignified educator who is respected out of love and reverence, not fear, by his students,
A tidy educator who keeps the books, files and documents that should be in his class properly and does his job carefully,
An educator who sacrifices his time, knowledge, and effort for his students who are the architects of the future, and who does not allow anybody to speak ill of his students and fellow teachers,
A humane educator who plants trees, makes arbours and chats with friends, parents, students sipping tea under its shade, and who never forgets that the most important principle is “to read the human” while carrying out his education-teaching tasks in accordance with “laws, by-laws, regulations, directives, circulars, orders and work programs,”
An educator who sees his school as his own and works with this consciousness,
An altruist educator who, when he sees a better teacher than himself, doesn’t become jealous; and besides appreciating it, he places this feeling in his inner world and prefers his colleague to himself,
A fair educator who is neutral to the students’ ideas, dressing, behaviour, cultural background they have, and does make any discrimination at all even with his looks in the classroom,
An educator who organizes a work environment based on love and respect in his school and, and can resolve conflicts between staff where appropriate,
An uplifting educator who does not keep distance from his students, who can enter into their common living space, and works to increase the enthusiasm for studying continuously,
A perceptive educator who can see the horizon and duty of his institution ahead of time and take necessary steps accordingly,
A model educator who complies with the ethical / moral rules required by his profession and can be an example to his friends and managers in every respect,
An educator of broad horizons who develops mission and vision for his school,
An educator from among the people who visits students’ parents, speaks to them, becomes friends with them, mingle with them, and never looks down on the society in which he lives,
A guide educator who knows and organizes all kinds of documents such as tests, inventory, questionnaires, student observation forms in order to get to know his students better; who teaches the effective study methods and gives them information about the upper schools they can go to, the jobs and professions they can choose, and directs the students to a profession; and who can find alternatives to solve their problems; who also shows the same sensitivity for mother and father education, provides opportunities for parents and guides them,
An educator who knows the learning difficulties of his students, conducts activities for students who require inclusive education or special education, but informs the counselling and guidance centre of the school when there is a situation that exceeds him; who can also support the personal problems of the children in his class and sends those in need of treatment to a health institution,
An educator who can communicate effectively not only with his words but also with his eyes,
An educator who is a great teacher who shows the means of knowledge to the generations of the future,
A participant educator who rescues the school council from being only on paper and activates it to cause the togetherness of the teachers, principals, parents, and students in reality,
A social educator who keeps his relations alive with universities, local administrations, non-governmental organizations, and private and public institutions,
A skilful educator who knows how to make the most beautiful dishes from the ingredients in his hands like a chef,
A supervisor educator who, if necessary, puts aside all his good merits and corrects his defective and incomplete aspects, and keeps in mind that his development can only be continuous by developing himself constantly,
A modern educator who can read the spirit of time and does not include inactivity in his life by saying that ‘there is always something better’ and does not see his works enough,
An educator who loves his students, who loves his school, who prefers the scent of chalk to the fragrance of rose,
An educator who has the aesthetic concern, who can show his inner beauty from head to toe, on his dressing and all his manners,
A leading educator who believes that he can overcome all difficulties under any circumstances by not giving any excuses in his activities related to his school,
A modest educator who knows how to turn the compliments to him towards his students, parents and administrators,
Most importantly, an educator of spirituality who can address not only the cognitive aspects of his students but also their spirit and roots of meaning; as the poet Akif says, “a teacher of faith, decency, competence and conscience.”