Destruction is easier; the weak become destructive

“The existence of all parts is the condition for the existence of the whole. Nonexistence, however, occurs with the lack of one part. Destruction is easier. For this reason, the weak man never prefers the positive which reveals [his real] power.  He acts negatively and is always destructive.”

Imam Bediuzzaman Said Nursi here gives the definition of power which has an important role in human life. Actually he defines the real power in a new way. What is the power in real terms? Who is called powerful? Why do some people plot mischief? What should the people who construct, build up and fix (things) be careful about? What is the situation of constructing and building up against destruction? These and similar questions will be answered here.

In today’s world, there is the perception that the people who devastate or ruin are more powerful. Thinking that this is wrong, Imam Bediuzzaman proves that these people are, in reality, weak and powerless. He shows that the destructive activities of these people originate from powerlessness, not power.

Yes, humans must prepare all the conditions to achieve something because achieving that thing depends on the existence of all the conditions that are necessary for it. For this reason, producing a work is difficult. Because people must be able to gather all the settings and the conditions together for the work they want to produce, this, however, is really difficult for many people.

According to Imam Nursi, the real power and strength is to gather together all the necessary conditions and produce the work desired. So it means that someone who wants to achieve doing something must prepare all the settings and the conditions necessary for that thing. He mustn’t let any necessary main conditions be missed out. He should show the effort for this; otherwise, he will fail. That is the reason why it is said that success is not a coincidence. For instance, the continuation of life is possible by meeting all the basic needs. A flower’s existence continues by meeting all the necessary requirements. A garden takes the shape you want by only meeting all the necessary conditions. Therefore, the responsibility that falls on human’s shoulders for success is to work to provide all the settings and the conditions and to take the necessary measures.

Ruining, destroying, crashing, damaging, violating and depraving are all very easy. Because although the existence of a thing is dependent upon each one of all the necessary conditions, the lack of only one condition causes its nonexistence. The desired work may not be done by simply “not doing, leaving out or not carrying out.” There are lots of conditions to be able to survive, but lack of only one condition is enough to die.

The weak people who cannot bring together all the conditions and think it as difficult to produce a work plot mischief in order to be seen powerful because it is easy and does not require power. A huge building can be destroyed by leaving out one condition, thus wasting years-long labour.

When people see huge works and efforts damaged or destroyed, they think that there must be a mighty power behind that. On the contrary there is a leaving out at the bottom of mischief; there is “not doing,” “leaving the desired work deficient,” and “preventing.” And for this, there is no need for power. Since the mischief is easy, all the states take extensive measures to ensure that a naughty child does not set a huge forest afire with a single match. And nobody says, “A small kid is more powerful than these huge states.”

Those who construct and build up have to know that the destruction is easy. They must take all the precautions they can [against the destruction]. They should not be careless or lazy in bringing all the conditions together. Otherwise the result will be failure of the works. They always have to be on the alert against those who make destruction. Above all, the most important issue they must not forget is that those who make destruction are weak and powerless, and for this reason they should keep their courage up.

As a result, building is difficult, destroying is easy. All the conditions must exist for building; the lack of one condition is enough for destruction. Therefore, the powerful is not the one who destroys, but the one who builds.