Youth is a great blessing which we can make eternal by spending it in the way of Allah (swt). The nations’ hope of future is the youth. Countries expect the...
It is our responsibility to know the spiritual bonds that can bind Muslims to each other for the unity of Islam. One hundred years ago, one young man delivered a...
What is spoken most in family is its most holy. Family life is the special place where people express themselves in the most comfortable way, and show their true personalities...
Hasad (envy) leads to unhappiness, bad morality, mischief and even disbelief. The cure: do not envy the worldly things, which are transient; and do not envy the matters of the...
Fruit juice production is quite problematic. It is necessary that every substance used in production process must have a reliable halal certificate. If you think that supermarket juices are only...
Fashion harms the meaning of tasattur that serves the dignity of human being and prevents many social problems. The order of tasattur ( covering) of Islam aims at various purposes...
Children, our beloved ones. They are great gift from Allah (swt). We need to act in the way how Islam wants us to act for them. Sultan of the months...
At beginning of surah al-Nisa, Allah (swt) says, In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. “O people, keep your duty to your Lord, Who created you from a...
Health is one of the greatest blessings that Allah (swt) gave us. Without a proper health our life would be unbearable. Whatever we do we can’t pay our debt to...
Husband must be friendly, kind, generous and nice to his wife. First of all, I believe we must know that the law of the family is for ensuring the happiness...