Speaking exists long before writing. Actually speaking is the second oldest thing after thinking. So mankind has been thinking for a very long time. Thoughts were there long before the...
Every day many things happen in our lives and these happenings affect and change our lives, sometimes for better and sometimes for worse. Sometimes, we lose the track of time...
She was sitting in her armchair looking through the window. Actually, she was contemplating her life. She was trying to pinpoint exactly where all this frustration started in her life....
“The most fortunate person in this worldly life is he who sees the world as a military guest-house, and submits himself and acts accordingly. Seeing it in this way, he...
Egoism literally means excessive concern for oneself with or without exaggerated feelings of self-importance or the doctrine that individual self-interest is actual motive of all conscious action.[1] I don’t know...
Nowadays more attention is paid to making people better speakers and writers. Everybody wants to be listened and read. This is a very good thing but there is a question...
Death; with the common meaning “the cessation of life.” Grief, sadness, sorrow are what is left for the ones stay behind. As for the person who dies he is either...