The Pen 28th issue

Editor’s Letter: The main road of the Ahl al-Sunnah leads to the guidance of Allah

Yunus Emre Pehlivan

If you give up Sunnah, you perish Enes Çalık

You cannot achieve your goal by wrong means

Zakir Çetin

Is the intercession a reality? İdris Tüzün


The illness of the century: Double standard Arif Emre Gündüz

Be patient with each other and stay strong A story a lesson

A window of reflection opened to the knowledge of Allah

Muhammed Said Arpacı 

Obedience to Divine Law and obedience to egoistic caprice

The Third Word from The Risale-i Nur Corpus 

The real duty capital of life and unnecessary works Zafer Zengin

Bismillah Ali Semerci

The key to our cultural heritage Ottoman Turkish

INTERVIEW with Ercan Türk / General Director, General Directorate of Secondary Education, The Ministry of National Education of Turkey

How is the honour of the Muslim Nation protected Mustafa Topöz

History and Nation A poem

It is worth knowing the stars of the sky İbrahim Sarıtaş

Power and politics Muhlis Körpe

Father and son M.Şevki Yeşilot

Consumption frenzy and the child Pedagoji Derneği

Seven Wonders of the World A story a lesson 

Bookbinding Mustafa Yılmaz

The effects of social media and technology Muhammed İsmail Hiçyılmaz