So much for Ban Ki-moon’s heart and possibly even more so his soul! One can only recall the quote in Matthew and the betrayal of Jesus, “When Pilate saw that...
Dr. Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai The Kashmir issue is simply this: the people of a large territory which is not part of any existing sovereign state were assured by the...
20.02.2011 Deputy Secretary General of the UNIW gave a speech at the International Kashmir Conference Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, His Excellency, President and Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir, Valuable NGOs representatives, Dear Pakistani...
Within the scope of the tenth Council Meeting held by the Union of NGOs of the Islamic World (UNIW), UNIW Council Member from the USA and Executive Director of Kashmir...
The monumental peaceful protests throughout Kashmir, bringing together hundreds of thousands of people from all racial and cultural backgrounds, began as a response to the impotent Indian Government's attempt at...