To be rich in very early years of youth…
To be powerful enough to live the luxury at the top level…
To be admired by virtue of intelligence and beauty…
And turning down all those things offered and choosing Islam to serve till death…
This can only be “being Musab Ibn Umayr.”
With the acceptance of Islam; the elegant, well-dressed youth would, henceforth, be seen only in coarsest of attire. Leaving all the luxury and comfort behind he used to enjoy was not hard for him but the separation with his beloved mother saddened him because of her strong persistence in unbelief.
One day, Mus’ab came upon a gathering of Muslims sitting around the Prophet (pbuh) and when they saw Mus’ab’s clothes was old and in tatters some even begun to cry remembering the rich days of this gentleman having best conditions in his youth.
It was time for him to take action to go Yathrib as the ambassador of Prophet (pbuh), to represent Islam, to teach a small group of believers to prepare Madinah for the great Hijrah.
The intense desire and strong ability made him go Yathrib one person, and he was coming back with more than 70 Muslims. Usayd, chieftain of his people asked Mus’ab after listening the lessons of truth; “How beautiful are these words and how true! What does a person do if he wants to enter this religion?”
To be sincere and serious in faith…
A life devoted to the path of Islam and Prophet (pbuh)…
A perfect character for the youth of 20th century to take as an example…
Realizing the great danger facing the Prophet (pbuh) without blinking an eye, he raised the standard and shouted “Allahu Akbar” and plunged into the Quraish forces. A horseman moved in close and severed his right hand, than his left hand and his head at the end. All his attempts were to protect Allah’s Apostle (pbuh) and he succeeded. He managed it and he was peaceful and in peace.
Today, in the time of technology and abundance, there are still many attacks to the Allah’s Apostle (pbuh) in so many different ways. It is for sure that Mus’ab would sacrifice himself a thousand times again and again, if he had the chance to do. It is for sure that he is not satisfied with today’s young Muslims who are busy with worldly affairs and not trained enough to fight against the disbelief as he did. Fighting with unbelief by educating themselves as best as they can… being role models of the Ummah… Setting good examples as the Muslim Youth…
It is high time we get up. It is time to remember and act as real Muslims… Feeling the same love and passion to the hilt and showing the same performance to protect Islam and Prophet (pbuh.) against the attacks of the dark powers who are trying to contaminate the world… Not spending time with useless things and friends, not keeping on sleeping and resting while others working hard to destruct as much as they can… As Mus’ab left all the joys of this worldly life behind. He didn’t take his life and time for granted. We should also take this serious and spend most of our time to train ourselves with the lessons of Quran.
He was such a great Muslim that after his death, an ayah would be revealed even regarding him and the Muslims like him, “Among the believers are men who have been true to what they have pledged to Allah.” (Surah al-Ahzaab: 23)
And Allah’s Apostle (pbuh) was going to say; “The messenger of Allah testifies that you are martyrs in the sight of Allah on the day of Qiyamah!).
Oh, Mus’ab! As the youth of this century, we are as far as the stars to the way you served and to the sincerity you showed. May Allah give us power and strength to take you as the role model in our service to reach the love of Allah and Prophet (pbuh).
As-salaamu alayka ya Musab…
Peace be on you, O Musab…