Garden of Truths



Abu Hurairah (ra) narrates:

A man came up and said: “O Messenger of Allah! Who is most deserving of my good behaviour and nice conversation?” The Prophet (pbuh) answered, “your mother!” The man asked again: “then who?” The Prophet answered, “your mother!” The man asked again: “then who?” The Messenger (pbuh) answered again, “your mother!” The man asked for the fourth time: “then who?” For that time the Messenger answered, “your father!”



Shall we learn foreign languages?

The Prophet (PBUH) encouraged learning of a foreign language which may be helpful to spread and protect Islam. He charged some companions like Zayd ibn Thabit (RA) with such a duty.

Zayd ibn Thabit narrates: “I was a child when the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) immigrated to Medina. They took me to his presence. The Messenger appreciated me very much. They said as follows: “O Messenger of Allah, this child is from

the sons of Najjar. He has memorized more than ten chapters of the Qur’an.” This pleased the Prophet (PBUH).

He (PBUH) once said to me: “O Zayd, learn the writing of the Jews, because, in truth, I do not trust in what they write to me.” I learned writing and reading Hebrew within a fortnight. I was reading the letter which the Jews were writing to the Prophet (PBUH) and I was writing the responses in Hebrew.”



Jannat’ul Baqi

The cemetery which was given the name Baqi or Baqi’ul Gharqad is located in south-eastern of Masjid al Nabawi. There is a small street between the cemetery and Masjid al Nabawi. It is reported that nearly ten thousand companions rest in the Ba

qi cemetery which is now 180.000 m² with later enlargements. Imam Uthman (RA) being in the first place, Fatima, A’isha, Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas, Prophet’s grandson Hasan and uncle Abbas (may Allah be pleased with all of them) and the blessed daughters and wives of the Prophet (PBUH) rest in this cemetery. While the cemetery was full with the tombs during the Ottomans sovereignty today there are only small stones indicating the places of the graves. The cemetery in which the great figures of Tabiin also rest is still used as the cemetery of Medina.


The Prayer of Ibrahim ibn Adham (may Allah bless his sanctity)
Upon infringement of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah the Prophet (PBUH) took action for the conquest of Mecca. The Prophet started the preparations by hiding the place which they were going to take hold in order not to shed blood and catch the enemy off-guard. He sent the message to the Muslim tribes and wanted them to assemble in Medina. He ordered some tribes to participate the army along the way to Mecca in order to hide the real power his army. He assigned Abu Ruhm for administrative works and Abdullah ibn Ummu Maktum for leading prayers in Medina and departed with his army from the city in 13th Ramadan 8 AH (4th January 630). Since he kept the target of military action hidden he did not put on ihram in Dhulhulayf which is the place of ihram and he went on till Marruzzahran close to Mecca and camped there. The Islamic army had been ten thousand with participation of new groups along the way. On 11th of January the army entered Mecca and Muslims captured the city without shedding blood.One day Ibrahim ibn Adham got on a ship, put on his coarse woollen cloth over his head and perched on the edge of the board. A while later a storm broke out and everybody on the ship was scared. Ibrahim ibn Adham was sleeping under his cloth in peace and comfort. Some said to him: “Can’t you see the terrible situation which we get in? How can you be so careless?” Upon this he extended his head out of his cloth and looked up to sky and prayed: “O Allah! You have shown your wrath so far and now please show your mercy.” As soon as he rubbed his hands to his face the storm stopped and the sea calmed down.