Islamophobia: Challenges and the Way Out

Chairman of Future Global Network, a network of NGOs based in Kuala Lumpur dedicated to the peaceful co-existence of humanity; actively involved in advocacy NGO by being an Exco of International Movement for a Just World, MALAYSIA EIGHTY PER CENT OF THE WORLD’S OIL & GAS RESERVES are in the Muslim world. The ‘War on Terrorism’ and hate campaign against Muslims are directed towards the “Battle for Middle East Oil.” In order to achieve direct control over the ‘Oil & Gas’ resources, the following processes were set in motion:
a) Implementation of ethnic profiling of Muslims in the West;
b) Building of political consensus against Islamic nations, tagging them as “backwards”;
c) Fostering racism and hatred against Muslims in oil-producing nations;
d) Denigrating the Islamic religion and culture.
Muslims are identified with “terrorists” and constituting a nuclear threat (which it does not possess) against the “civilized world.” In contrast the Western ‘humanitarian nuclear weapons that are accurate, safe and reliable’ will be their protector and a deterrent to the “Islamic threat”. Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has also warned that Islamophobia poses a challenge to the spirit that unites peoples across the globe.
The European Union (EU) has set to remove the derogatory terminology about Islam, “Islamic terrorism”, from its new lexicon of public communication in an effort to fight Islamophobia and to make clear that the religion was hijacked by terrorists.