Human beings love many things such as first his self and relatives in the world. The most important duty of man is to love the world and creatures in the name of Allah. We should say for the beautiful things, “Allah created so well-orderly” and should not let any other kind of love enter our heart. This is because it is the place of reflection of Allah that is As-Samad and is particular to him.
If all these loves are in the name of Allah, then they both are legal loves and will increase the love to Allah and will have great results in the hereafter.
For example, the result of love for delicious foods and fruits besides offering thanks to Allah is, as cited in Qur’an, the delicious foods and fruits of the Paradise. Even, each word of “Alhamdulillah” that you say while eating the fruit will be presented to you as a heavenly fruit. You eat fruit here; you eat “Alhamdulillah” in the other world.
As a result of the legitimate affection for his own personality; that is to say, not to see his own beauty but to see his shortcomings and to try to improve them and direct himself to goodness, the lovers that he deserves will be given to him in the Paradise. Now that person suppresses and directs his desires to right path for the sake of Allah, it was declared in many verses of the Qur’an that Allah, who is the Eternally Generous One, would give him hooris who are as beautiful as the heaven.
As a result of nurturing love for parents, children, his wife or her husband in the name of Allah, Allah who is the most compassionate of all, will present to that happy family a pure chatting joy in the form of an eternal reunion in a lifestyle worthy of Paradise even if their degrees in Hereafter were different.
The result of love for good and worshipping friends in the world, as defined in the verse, is to sit together with his/her friend in the Paradise benches face-to-face chatting about their funny and sweet world adventures and memories and meeting and coming together without ever departing.
The result of the love for the prophets and saints as the Qur’an describes is to benefit from their intercession in the grave and the other world and benefit their lofty status in the hereafter.
As a result of loving the world for the sake of Allah and as a grand mirror for reflection to his beautiful names, and as a field to harvest for the Hereafter, a paradise as wide as a world but not transient, an eternal world will be given to each believer in the Hereafter. And those divine names whose only slight shadows are shown in the world will be displayed in the Paradise magnificently.
A thousand years of a very happy life in this world cannot be compared to one hour of life in Paradise. And a thousand years of life in Paradise cannot be compared to one hour’s vision of the holy and endless beauty and perfection of Allah (swt). So you are going to be honoured with this bounty as the result of faith in Allah and loving him in the world. Everybody consciously feels and desires to see distinguished personalities such as Prophet Suleiman who has a magnificent sultanate and Prophet Yusuf who has a famous, spectacular beauty. All the beauties and perfection of the Paradise, which are a thousand times loftier than all the beauties and perfection of the world, can merely be the glitters of the holy beauty and perfection of our Lord (swt). Now think about how admirable a bounty it is, which is to be craved for with extreme love, desire and affection, and compare them… May our Great Creator grant us his consent and reach him being delivered from the veils. Ameen.