October-December 2013 Issue

Faith and Life COVER

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Hasan Awada Kashkash, Nilayn University, Sudan

The modern individual has been crumbled into pieces mentally and spiritually. What will bring that individual to a holistic perspective is a critically verified faith. Thus many things in his life will change.














“Wa’l ‘Asr!” EDITOR’S LETTER A. Cihangir İŞBİLİR

“Wa’l ‘asr!” Thus begins the 103rd surah of the Qur’an, drawing our attention to time and informing us that all people are in loss. With the exception of a group of people ‘who believe, do good deeds, urge one another to the truth, and urge one another to steadfastness.’ Read more


Risale-i Nur and Islamic Unity Symposium: Be Hopeful! Opening Speech of the 6th symposium – Atty Ali Kurt, Sec.General of UNIW

The prescription for a magnificent but unfortunate continent; a glorious yet hapless state; a valuable yet helpless community is Islamic Unity.


Critically Verified Faith and The Risale-i Nur Model Muhammed Yumurtacı

The Risale-i Nur provides the most effective ways of acquiring critically verified faith in an age when faith is being attacked through reason, philosophy and science by atheistic circles.


Establishing Islamic Unity is Fardh Prof. Iyd Belbaa, Munifiya University, Egypt

The fact that bringing about Islamic unity is a fardh duty points out the urgency of this issue. None of the Muslims has the luxury of remaining aloof to the establishment of Islamic unity.


Imam Bediuzzaman and the Creed of Ahl’al Sunnat Wal’jamaat Dr Husrev Akın

Ahl’al Sunnat wal ’Jamaat has always been the mainstream of Islam throughout history and the Risale-i Nur has made it its duty to protect its borders and principles in an age as chaotic as the one we live in today.


Legitimate (Shariatic) Freedom Based on Legitimate (Shariatic) Consultation Wildan Hakim

An atmosphere of freedom and consultation provides an excellent ground for Islamic akhlaq to be nurtured. Essential guidance for such a state and society can be found in the sources of Islam.


Six Fundamentals that will Pave the Way forward for the Islamic World Hakkı Aygun

The six illnesses which Imam Nursi listed in his famous Damascus Sermon are still the main problems that are challenging modern Muslims.


The Factors which Discourage us from Working and their Solutions Dr Hussein Bouayad, Hasan 1. University, Morocco

There are certain factors that put Muslims around the world in an undesirable situation. The determining and removal of these negative factors may change the position and situation of Muslims on the earth.


The Principles of the Risale-i Nur Movement Feridun Şamil

As a collection of a book and people gathered around it to serve the Qur’an and Islam, the Risale-i Nur movement has basic principles to carry out its service effectively.


The Risale-i Nur: The Concept, Content and How to Benefit from it (2) Idris Tüzün

How to keep away from committing sins in modern times is a thorny issue to handle for they are widespread and even those who have strong belief may experience difficulty. The Risale-i Nur applies solutions which seem unprecedented.


The Role of the Family in Constructing Society Dr. Cemil Gül

The family as a building-block of society seems so fragile nowadays. A society whose families are not based on spiritual values is vulnerable in the face of upcoming crises.